Challenge: Designing the first AI app of foot scanning!?
Danzz Inc. will be a custom shoe manufacturer that produces a variety of high-end designer shoes for adults of all ages - utilizing state-of-the-art CAD/CAM software and 3D printing technology for its personalized orthotics. They (Danzz) wanted to implement this technology for the first time on the mobile platform using AI (artificial intelligence). It was a big and difficult request, but we at Hinet enjoyed it.

As we said, we at HiNet will enjoy hard and complicated work. After months of research, we decided to create an Android application for them in the first phase that users in Canada can easily use. We made it. And after that, we designed a beautiful website to introduce their business, which was appreciated by their audience.

Website Review
Mobile | Tablet | Desktop
Ui / UX
Creative interface design
AI Android app
Optimizing website
Using the company's own theme

Thank you to your company for the new brand design. This work (logo) is excellent and beautiful.